Study Service

Study Service

It is the objective and mission of Study Service to contribute to solving Aalborg University’s tasks as an education institution:
- By developing suitable and efficient administrative solutions and service offers to the university’s study programmes and students, and
- By providing relevant support to the university’s management.
Study Service will:
- Contribute to improving the knowledge of all the university’s education offers in Denmark and abroad and to ensuring admission of the best qualified students. This applies to admission to full-time as well as part-time programmes in Danish and English. Study Service aims to provide attentive, thorough and objective information with a view to reducing the dropping-out rate.
- Contribute to developing completion guidance, guidance on change of studies, guidance on study visits and internships in Denmark and abroad as well as guidance on placement. The placement guidance includes activities which can contribute to strengthening the students’ employment opportunities.
- Develop procedures for student grants, scholarships, support in connection with visits abroad as well as Special Support for students with disabilities with a view to ensuring correct and quick administration.
- Develop the university’s study administrative system (STADS) and other IT support systems. The IT systems are developed with a web interface, and the aim is to provide as many self-service offers to the students as possible.
- Develop procedures for information and support to the management at all levels concerning application, admission, completion, employment and other relevant activities.
We would like to be known for the below values:
- We are part of Aalborg University and support the university’s work as an education institution in the best way possible.
- We are open to changes and know that they will arise all the time, both outside and inside the university.
- We would like to enter into a dialogue with other parts of the university when solving a joint problem.
- We are a service organisation and will provide our customers with a professional service.
- We will show respect for other people’s views and interests, but also expect a corresponding respect from others.
- Internally, we will show respect for each other’s views by means of approving communication.
- We are responsible for each other and must take initiatives against isolation, bad atmosphere, harassment and stress symptoms.
Sections in Study Service
Admissions and Continuing Education processes applications for admission and enrolment of students from both Denmark and international students in the study programmes at Aalborg University, i.e. admission of students to bachelor’s, professional bachelor's, and master’s programmes and to continuing education. Admissions and Continuing Education also processes applications for leave of absence, withdrawals from enrolment, readmissions and appeals regarding admission.
Furthermore, Admissions and Continuing Education handles guidance of potential students, and organize events on recruitment such as Open Days and Study Placement (Studiepraktik).
Admissions, bachelor
- Mail: bacheloradmission@aau.dk
- Tel: +45 9940 9425, at 12 – 14 (closed on Wednesdays)
Admissions, master (full-time)
- Mail: masteradmission@aau.dk
- Tel: +45 9940 9655, at 12 – 14 (closed on Wednesdays)
Continuing Education (part-time)
- Email: efteruddannelse@aau.dk
- Tel.: +45 9940 9420, Monday – Thursday at 12 – 15, Friday at 12 – 14
- Regarding admissions: www.en.aau.dk/education/apply/
- Regarding continuing education: www.en.aau.dk/education/continuing-education/
- Meet the employees at Admissions and Continuing Education (redirect to Danish site)
Educational Law and Secretariat handles legal secretariat tasks, hearings and offers general legal assistance. Educational Law and Secretariat is responsible for determination and implementation of rules regarding students and study boards, handles examination appeals, credit appeals and appeals regarding the Study Board’s decisions. Educational Law and Secretariat handles legality check of curricula and legal guidance and support for the vice deans of education.
Furthermore, Educational Law and Secretariat handles AAU Election and has staff assignments for the deputy director of Study Service, including HR and finances, and secretarial services for the Collaboration and Working Environment Committee at Study Service as well as for Rector’s election committee.
- Tel: 9940 7325
- sts-sekretariatet@adm.aau.dk
- uddannelsesjura@adm.aau.dk
- Mails regarding appeals: sl-klager@adm.aau.dk
- Mails regarding AAU Election: valgsekretariatet@adm.aau.dk
- Meet the employees at Educational Law and Secretariat (redirect to Danish site)
Elite Sports (Nordjysk Elitesport) is a local support and counselling unit at AAU and UCN for elite athletes who combine their sport with an education.
Elite Sports provides counselling regarding the combination of sport and education and help members with support schemes and flexible solutions in collaboration with the study programmes.
In order to be admitted to Elite Sports, the athlete/coach in question must be admitted to one of AAU's or UCN’s nationwide study programmes and must be an athlete/coach at the highest national level – or must be able to reach this level within the foreseeable future.
Further information about the Elite Sports scheme can be found on Elite Sports' website (website in Danish).
- Jesper Thorup, Coordinator
Mail: jtho@adm.aau.dk
Tel: 6171 3199
- Rasmus Haagensen, Coordinator
Mail: rh@adm.aau.dk
Tel: 2226 0044
- Opening hours: Monday – Thursday at 8 – 16, Friday at 8 – 15
- elitesportaalborg.dk/uddannelse/nordjysk-elitesport (website in Danish)
- Meet the employees at Elite Sports (redirect to Danish site)
The International Office mainly handles case processing and guidance in relation to students’ exchange programmes, both in and out of AAU, including the administration of scholarships when students from AAU studies abroad or have project-oriented studies abroad. The International Office also coordinate AAU's exchange agreements and collaborations with partners around the world. Furthermore, the office coordinates many exchange and scholarship programs, including Erasmus+ and international double/joint degree programmes.
The International Accommodation Office mainly administers and allocates accommodation for international students and guest researchers/lecturers, who are affiliated with AAU for a short or longer period. If we do not have the opportunity to arrange accommodation, we provide guidance on alternative accommodation options.
- For outgoing inquiries: exchangeoverseas@adm.aau.dk and outgoing-student@adm.aau.dk
- For incoming inquiries: internationaloffice@aau.dk
- For accommodation questions: intaccommodationoffice@adm.aau.dk
- Opening hours at the office: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 12 – 15. Friday at 12 – 14. Wednesdays are closed.
- Meet the employees at the International Office and Accommodation Office (redirect to Danish site)
Quality and Analysis works with institutional accreditation, development of the programme portfolio (including changes in existing programmes and pre-qualification of new programmes), development of the quality system, support of pro-deans of education, departments and study boards in the quality work, secretarial services for the Council for Quality Assurance and Development, and monitoring and preparation of analysis on central education data.
Quality and Analysis also contributes with management support of the rectorate, the deputy director and the deans within the area.
- kvalitet.aau.dk/quality-system/
- en.update.aau.dk/committees-councils/council-for-quality-assurance/
- intra.inside.aau.dk/Uddannelsesnotater
- Meet the employees at Quality and Analysis (redirect to Danish site)
The SU Administration informs, offers guidance and processes applications for SU, including additional grant portions, public transportation pass (“ungdomskort”) and grants for studying abroad.
The SPS Administration offers guidance regarding SPS – Special Educational Support – to students with disabilities. Moreover, we draw up the recommendations to the Danish agency that grants SPS, we procure and disburse the granted support to the student, and we issue reimbursements.
Study Data establishes customs and procedures within the study administrative area and manage tasks such as creation, maintenance, alteration and quality assurance of system and foundational data as well as alteration and updating of enrolments and study options.
SU and SPS
- su@aau.dk
- sps@aau.dk
- Tel: 9940 9430, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10-13 (for students)
Study Data
- en.su.aau.dk - SU and SPS
- su.dk/english
- spsu.dk (website in Danish)
Meet the employees at SU, SPS and Study Data (redirect to Danish site)
Strategy and Policy works with political and strategic management support, handles strategic and political cases and coordinates and leads projects across the field of education at AAU. Furthermore, Strategy and Policy works with dimensioning of programmes, surveys (including graduate surveys, learning survey (“Læringsbarometer”) and “Uddannelseszoom”), management support within the area of upper secondary school and the strategic and cross-disciplinary study environment.
In addition, Strategy and Policy handles secretarial services for the Strategic Council for Education and the Study Environment Council.
- en.update.aau.dk/committees-councils/strategic-council-for-education/
- en.update.aau.dk/committees-councils/study-environment-council/
- intra.inside.aau.dk/Uddannelsesnotater
- Meet the employees at Strategy and Policy (redirect to Danish site)
Student Guidance
During the student’s entire course of study and across AAU’s study programmes, the Student Guidance offers guidance within study technique, doubts, motivation, making choices during the student’s course of study, rules as well as within personal and study related issues. Guidance is offered through meetings, digital or in-person, between the student and a student counsellor or via email and phone calls. Moreover, Student Guidance focuses on keeping relevant knowledge within the field of student guidance up to date, including developing new tools.
Moreover, Student Guidance performs training of the programmes’ student counsellors and continuously upgrades their qualifications and offers discussions. Student Guidance also focuses on strategic initiatives and management support through close collaboration with the study programmes such as development of initiatives within student well-being, retention, tutoring as well as regularly giving presentations on study environment and student well-being.
AAU Career
Open activities include, among other things, career counselling and events, e.g. regarding job search, contact with companies and knowledge of trades and industries.
We support each department in surveying what causes unemployment within a study programme and in initiating activities, which make the department’s students more employable. We share the latest knowledge within the area, facilitate meeting with collaborators and organise workshops for both career academic staff (“Karriere-VIP”) and the department’s students.
AAU Career is also responsible for the contact with companies and other collaboration partners who are interested in collaborating with students, e.g. through student jobs, project collaboration, and internships (project-oriented course).
Student Guidance
- aaustudievejledning@adm.aau.dk
- Tel: 9940 9440, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 12:30 – 14:30
AAU Career in Aalborg
- career@aau.dk
- Fredrik Bajers Vej 1
9220 Aalborg Øst - Tel: 9940 9440, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 12:30 – 14:30
AAU Career in Copenhagen
- career@cph.aau.dk
- A. C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV
- Meet the employees at Student Guidance and AAU Career (redirect to Danish site)
The Student Society Secretariat is the staff function for the AAU student organisation, The Student Society.
The Secretariat provides services to the Student Society’s activists and acts as the link between the Student Society and AAU.
- Responsible for financial statements in collaboration with activists and auditor
- Provides services to the students/activists regarding finances, regulations and laws
- Assists the organisation in many different ad hoc tasks
- Inspects whether the activists comply with rules in relation to the Danish Veterinary and Food
- Administration, VAT rules, fire safety, liquor license and other licenses.
- Administration of the gym, UniFitness
- Student Society website (in Danish)
- Student Society Facebook
- Meet the employees at the Student Society Secretariat (redirect to Danish site)
Study Systems manages the operational system ownership of the study administrative systems, which includes having the overall responsibility for the systems' IT operation, functionality and use. Study Systems leads or participates in digilisation projects and initiatives within the study administrative area, focusing on how the systems can collectively support business needs as well as regulatory requirements .
We manage contact with in-house (i.e. ITS) and external IT suppliers, and we are continuously in close dialogue with proces and data owners as well as end-users within the study administrative area.
Websites are in Danish
- Study administrative systems: Studieadministrative systemer
- Nyt SIS project
- Meet the employees at Study Systems (redirect to Danish site)