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Published 01.04.2024, updated 11.11.2024

Employability and motivation

How can you work on increasing the students' employability on the study programme? Read more and see good examples here.

Published 01.04.2024, updated 11.11.2024

Employability and motivation

How can you work on increasing the students' employability on the study programme? Read more and see good examples here.

Examples from study environments

If you have a good example of how you have incorporated the following into your studies, please contact AAU Student Guidance.

What does "employability" cover?

At AAU, "Employability" is a term that points to the field of work that aims to support students in being able to unleash their huge academic and human potential on the labour market. A closely related concept is "employable", which is something a person can become by working with different parameters that help make an employment plausible somewhere.

Employability may well look like something that points to problems that need to be solved after graduation, but it is to a large extent coherent with thoughts and actions during the study, which both prepare for working life and to a great extent also provide perspectives on student life and the education the student is taking. By supporting the students' employability development, you can also help strengthen the motivation and perceived relevance of the study programme and its content.

AAU Career has extensive experience in working closely with study environments to ensure coherence between what the student is in the middle of and the employability activities that can help support choices, doubts and knowledge of tools for both study and posterity.

In many programmes, there are also internally appointed career VIPs who are "employability ambassadors" in the respective study environments; For employability and the impact an employability effort can have depends on a close knowledge of the students' everyday life, professionalism and schedule. By integrating employability into daily life, as many people as possible can be targeted in the most relevant way possible.

If you want to know more

If you want support in your employability efforts, please contact Line Randa or Christian Friis-Nielsen from AAU Career.