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Published 01.06.2024, updated 01.24.2024

Master's and subsidiary subject's day

Every year, AAU hosts a Master's and Minor Subject Day, where students through presentations can learn more about the choice of master's or subsidiary subjects.

Published 01.06.2024, updated 01.24.2024

Master's and subsidiary subject's day

Every year, AAU hosts a Master's and Minor Subject Day, where students through presentations can learn more about the choice of master's or subsidiary subjects.

Examples from study environments

If you have a good example of how you have incorporated the following into your studies, please contact AAU Student Guidance.

What is the Master's and subsidiary subject's Day?

As part of promoting potential students' own clarification and reflections on programme choices, a Master's and subsidiary subject's Day is held every year at AAU – here, among other things, programme presentations and guidance are held on the day by the student counsellors or another academic representative from the programme.

All Master's and subsidiary programmes are welcome to participate.

If you want to know more

It is often the study board/department that is responsible in collaboration with AAU Communication (project responsible), but the student counsellor is typically the one who performs on the day itself. Read more here.